SurPad 4.2 is excellent software for working with a rover receiver. However, it is important to understand its functional limitations when used with the Emlid RS2 receiver.
SurPad 4.2 connects to the receiver via the NMEA protocol, which means the software only reads data but does not control the device. As a result:
- A base station cannot be configured directly in SurPad.
- Rover receiver settings cannot be changed.
- Logging cannot be started or stopped.
All base-rover communication settings must be configured in the ReachView software before using SurPad 4.2.
Bluetooth Connection
In ReachView (Rover):
1. Select Bluetooth Position Output.
2. Format: NMEA.
In SurPad 4.2:
1. Go to Device → Communication device manufacturer = Other.
2. Device type = RTK (NMEA0183).
3. Connection mode = Bluetooth.
4. Click Connect.
- To ensure proper receiver operation, configure the antenna parameters in SurPad 4.2 (installation height and antenna type).
- To receive correction data, set up rover parameters in ReachView.
SurPad 4.2 is great for working with the Emlid RS2 rover receiver, but it is crucial to remember that all key settings must be made in ReachView. Once the connection is properly configured, SurPad can be used for RTK mode operations.